Nadaleena Brettmann

Nadaleena Mirat Brettmann's Pam Anderson by Stephen Wayda

With a fresh focus, Nadaleena Mirat Brettmann's works have an energy and life that elicits excitement.  While all are original inspirations to date, the artist has found a way to elegantly incorporate fashion history and photography in the abstract.  A select group of her works include the imagery of international photographer Stephen Wayda.

Her series, Rags to Riches, contains works which are a 3D compilation of original designer fetishes, cloth, acrylic, house paint, charcoal on canvas. Says Brettmann,

These garments, cloths scarves or whatever – will be seen and enjoyed by being showcased in this artistic manner. I call the exhibit, Rags to Riches, as everything starts from Rags, and everything eventually turns to Rags. The only difference here: for the love of the art, I am preserving these rags for future generation so that they can view the masterworks of a contemporary innovator.

Each piece takes months to create, sometimes 5-6 gallons of paint are applied on large canvas then carefully molded into shape with numerous rags, and original designer goods. Brettmann then adds to the dimension by applying a matte medium, charcoal, acrylic, and house paint.

GALLERY M offers online a select grouping of Nadaleena Mirat Brettmann original works and collaborations.  MORE