Howard Schatz

In Character: Actors Acting

$ 50.00

In Character: Actors Acting was published in 2006 by Bulfinch. IN CHARACTER: ACTORS ACTING, is a book of photographic portraits of working actors, many of them recognized stars, playing one or more roles. Howard Schatz not only set and took the photographs but directed each actor on their roles. The images are composed of one, two, three or more characters performed by each actor. Characters might include an evil crime boss, an eight-year-old girl triumphing at a spelling bee, a gambler at the track, a businessman on the prowl, a teenage girl flirting, or a coach imploring his players to play harder.


The Introduction by Roger Ebert is an insightful appreciation of Schatz's work and extends each actors' ability to reach their audience in an unexpected and creative way. Howard Schatz is known for his foresight and pioneering spirit. This book is no exception and will most likely compell you to add the signed and limited edition photograph of your favorite character.