Howard Schatz

Caught In The Act: Actors Acting

$ 65.00

Caught In The Act: Actors Acting was published in 2013 by Glitterati, Inc.. Howard Schatz 20th book, covers 85 different sets with some of today's most recognizable and influencing Actors. His studies are improve at it's best. Some have reflected on the experience with comments like:


"Being photographed by Howard Schatz is like taking a wild ride only to discover you've lost your brakes. I highly recommend it. Jeff Daniels


"Being interviewed by Howard is an intimate and wonderful experience. Very quickly you feel comfortable and wide open. Being shot by him even more so. Ideas of one??å_å¢??_‰ÛÊ?s self drop away as you engage with him in his process of photographing what feels like one's insides as much as the obvious outer layers." Melissa Leoo


"Howard fires whimsical one-line scenarios at you and has the uncanny knack of being able to co-erce actors into a mad state of play, forgetting the camera." Geoffrey Rush


"It was such a joy to work with Howard. We bonded on so many levels, and he continues to inspire me with his art." Ken Jeong


"Never a fan of the  acting exercise shooting with Howard has changed my mind. I adored every moment of our session together. His ability to guide, suggest and inspire\ while providing a really creative place to play around was a joy."  Jane Lynch


"Howard Schatz has a deep and profound love and respect for actors and the craft of acting. He acknowledges the mystery, eccentricity and insanity of the process and allows it to happen in front of his compassionate lens."  Michael Imperioli